If it stays it will be a white Christmas!
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Farm shop and historical beauty at Lucedio - Piedmont

Because of its increasing political and economical power and its location, Lucedio was the reason behind some of the fights between the Italian dynasties. Owned by the Gonzaga family and later on by the Savoys, at the beginning of the XVIII century the Abbey became property of Napoleon. Subsequently it went to the marchionesses Giovanni Gozani of San Giorgio, ancestor of the present proprietor, the Countess Rosetta Clara Horses d' Olivola Salvadori of Wiesenhoff.

As well as visiting the historical part of the Abbey, it is possible to visit the Farm of the Principato of Lucedio and, in particular, to see the machinery used for the entire production cycle of the rice. It is also possible to combine the visit of the grounds with a sampling experience of the typical products of the territory followed by a tour of the Farm shop “Temptations of the rice” where visitors can buy all the products of the "Principato of Lucedio".
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Price freeze - 2009 at the cost of 2008!
Book Villa Mimma for 2009 before the end of November and you will pay the same price as 2008.
The prices for 2009 will soon be published and then the new prices will apply.
Hurry!!! Book now and save!!!!
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Theatre - Carlo Felice in Genoa
For those who love concerts and the opera, there is a variety of theatres that are reachable in approximately an hour from Villa Mimma.

Its fame is due to the fact that the inside is like being in a "covered" square. The photo shown in the main website doesn't give you the full feeling, so why not taking a trip there?
The calendar for the 2008/2009 season can be found through the following links:
- Opera and ballet;
- Symphonic season.
If you attend any event or if you visit this unique theatre, please do let me know and I'd love to see some recent pictures.
Saturday, 6 September 2008
September in festival - Food and Wine
Also, in Asti there is the Douja d'Or wine festival from the 12th to the 21st of September, where you can sample around 400 local wines (you can also buy them!). Some information in English can be found on the world events guide.
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Palio di Asti - 21st of September 2008

Thursday, 28 August 2008
A day at the beach - Arenzano

Once you are in Arenzano, you are spoilt for choice. Its sandy beaches are split between public beaches and different private beaches where you can hire a sun-bed or an umbrella with deck-chairs for the day. If you are quite keen in a bit of privacy and in the comfort of your own area, though, don't leave too late especially in August because you could be disappointed and find everything full.
Don't forget to try a bit of "focaccia" and if you like basil and fancy a restaurant, you must have the "trenette al pesto".
Enjoy your day!
Monday, 25 August 2008
Shopping for food and wine
1 - Treville
There is a butcher with the most wonderful meat, ham and salame (he makes them), ravioli (made only on some days or on order) and a deep freezer with ice-creams, pizzas, vegetable, etc.
Also, there is "La rata birata", which is a wine-bar that serves hot-meals and that also has a small food section with fresh produce such as cheeses, bread, milk, butter and basic provisions. It has also pasta and sauces!
2 - Ozzano (2km from Treville)
If you want a bit more of a choice and some fresh fruit and vegetables, Ozzano is your nearest option. Along the main road that cuts through the village, there is a food store that has everything. It is very small compared to a supermarket, but has all you need.
3 - Supermarkets
Well, for a proper supermarket you are spoilt for choice if you are prepared to drive for 10-15 minutes. You can either go to Casale to the Iper-Coop (a real shopping centre) or you can go towards Asti-Moncalvo and stop at the Penny supermarket, which faces a Gulliver supermarket, where you can find all you need.
Saturday, 28 June 2008
Last Minute - €550 week/6people July/August 08
Amazing offer : €550 for a week for 6 people!
Contact us ASAP if you would like to take advantage of this promotion.

Sunday, 22 June 2008
Natural Park of the River Po - Valenza

Saturday, 21 June 2008
Harley Davidsons meeting in Piedmont
They will pass through Treville too, where they will be offered a glass of wine - cheers!
Villa Mimma will offer 15% discount on the accommodation price for bookings between the 28th of June and the 13th of July 2008 to people attending the meeting.
Friday, 20 June 2008
The Natural Park of the River Po - Fontanetto Po
Here are some photoes to tickle your imagination so that if you are in Piedmont you may want to dedicate one day or half a day to this marvellous part of the region.
You can reach the river Po from Fontanetto Po, on the way to Vercelli. At the beginning of the walk that takes you along one of the banks of the river there is a map to show you where you are and what you can expect to see.
Not far from the end of the road where you can park your car, there is an old water mill with a picnic area where you can find some tables and benches if you want to stop for some refreshments before or at the end of your walk.
Lines of trees are growing along this stretch of the river and you can walk for miles along this sheltered lanes, listening to nature's sounds and the gurgle of the water of the river nearby.
Saturday, 31 May 2008
Festival of the flowers in Piedmont (Italy) - 15th June
Cella is a lovely village with all the houses brought back to the original limestone bricks typical of this part of the world. In June they celebrate the fact that Cella Monte is proud of its flower-displays throughout Spring and Summer, so they have a festival dedicated to it. If you can go, do it because it is definitely worth it with many events organised throughout the day as well as the usual Italian music and food/wine.
Also the wineries and the private "infernot" (cellars excavated in the limestone) of the area are open to the public for visits.
Unfortunately the website of Cella Monte doesn't seem to have a detailed programme of the day, but I can assure you that it would be a lovely experience of the Italian life!
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Weather - Rainy May!
We are used to lovely weeks of sunshine where people can take strolls in the lovely medieval villages that are scattered around the Monferrato hills.
Last week for example it constantly rained and when it stopped it was very cloudy and miserable.
We feel sorry for all those tourists who came to our Piedmont area on holiday in the past week or so and missed on the usual cheerfulness of blooming flowers and bright skylines. We hope you had a good time anyway and that this gives you a reason for coming back another time, when may be you will be luckier with the weather.
Friday, 23 May 2008
La Mandria - Regional Park in Piedmont

We went just for a couple of hours after visiting La Venaria Reale and we did have a relaxing time indeed. Scattered around the grounds there are farms that have been transformed in restaurants, bars and other attractions. One has a bike-hire facilities so for only a few Euros we got a bike each and pedalled around the park. The children absolutely loved it!
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Venaria Reale - Turin

Thursday, 15 May 2008
Recycling... the old way: barrels and gates!

This is an old wine press that we have in the cellar of Villa Mimma. It is made of wooden slats kept together by metal ribbons.
The wooden slats were used in the wood-burning aga and fire-stoves in the households while the metal ribbons were used to build gates!
This is the front gate of Villa Mimma and it was made using the metal from old barrels.
I've been to Villa Mimma many many times in my life and it was only last April (08) that my Mum told me this fascinating story. So armed with my camera I went in the cellar hunting for barrels and took some fab pictures of a few samples. Then I moved onto the gate.
Taking a closer look, you can see the holes of the original nails and the battered metal that was straightened to make the gate!
You never stop learning!
Saturday, 10 May 2008
ADSL comes to Treville
Villa Mimma has off course signed up for it and we are now investigating a Wi-Fi network solutions to allow our guests to connect to the Internet for free. A few thick walls to bypass but it will be soon available!!! So, watch out for any update!
Friday, 25 April 2008
Cold April by the fire!

The children are fascinated by this world that is quite far from our everyday life and are following "Nonna Paola" and "Nonno Alberto" with sticks and pieces of papers hoping to be given the chance to be helpful.
And how much fun it is helping "zio Andrea" loading the trolley to refill the stock of logs for the evening. How lucky we are to be able to experience this lifestyle!
Monday, 21 April 2008
Discount & Accommodation - XXIII UIA Congress
The 23rd UIA World Congress will be in Turin from the 29th of June to the 3rd of July.
This is a major international event that takes place every 3 years and this time Turin won the bod for hosting it.
Talks, Main Sessions, Special Sessions, Special Events, Lectio magistralis, large and small exhibitions will all be part of an intense programme over the week, which will see Italian and International experts exchanging the latest knowledge in the field. There will also be a photographic exhibition dedicated to the relationship between photography and architecture. Participants will also have the chance to browse through a well-stocked library dedicated to architectural publishing production.
If you are new to the area why not complementing the conference with a visit to the area of the Basso Monferrato or Monferrato Casalese with the many architectural and natural beauties.
Stay at Villa Mimma (less than an hour's drive from Turin) and receive 15% discount on your stay (2 nights minimum) if you are a UIA participant. Mention this article for obtaining the discount. Proof of registration is necessary. Obviously, if your family/partner/friends are accompanying you to Italy, the discount applies to your group.
Rooms are still available, but hurry if you don't want to miss a unique opportunity.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Breakfast at Villa Mimma B&B

Breakfast is served in a lovely room of the house, where you will have your own round table.
A buffet is prepared for you every morning with fresh bread,

Andrea is happy to make you an Italian coffee, but if you prefer an American coffee there is a percolator (simply turn the button on!) or if you fancy a cup of tea you can help yourself with boiling water from the kettle.
There is also a "proper" toaster for some hot toasts. Choose how light or burnt you like them and take control!
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Jazz concerts
If you are around in June, there are going to be three concerts in Treville, organised by the council and taking place in the village square, overlooking the hills of the Monferrato. These concerts are on Fridays and on the following dates:
6th of June
13th of June
20th of June
If you are thinking of having a meal before or after the concert, I would recommend the "Ristorante dell'Opera" in Ozzano (2 miles from Treville) or "La Rata Birata", a wine bar that also serves food in Treville (200 yards for the concert area). They have completely different styles, but both worth a visit. L'Opera is a more traditional restaurant and you can also find some truffle dishes most of the time (although the famous white truffles are mainly in Autumn).
The other place where you can enjoy live jazz music is "Le Cave di Moleto", where every Thursday night you can have a traditional dinner at their restaurant (with really lovely wine) and then stay for the jazz concert. This happens throughout the year, with the difference of the location, i.e. it is inside a renovated barn in winter and outside in Spring/Summer time.
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Newsletter - April 2008 - Theme holidays, special offers, events
There are many ways to spend your time while at Villa Mimma, whether you are a sporty person or an art lover. Here are only a few suggestions:
Piedmont and the North-West of Italy boast some great golf courses where you can play occasionally.

Imagine swinging your golf club with the Alps in front of you or while strolling in the park of an ancient Italian Villa. Some of the clubs have also swimming pools and club houses where other members of the party could spend the day if they don't want to join the golfers around the golf course.
I have gathered info on quite a few places and published them on Villa Mimma's blog and I will post comments as I receive them. Also, as an incentive to encourage golf holidays, Villa Mimma is offering 10% discount on the accommodation cost - simply mention this at the booking time and present your receipt of the green fee/s at the time of settling the balance.
In Treville there is a private tennis court that can be booked hourly or, alternatively, people can gain unlimited access by joining the private club that the owners run. It is a tennis court in earth (not in the peak of its condition but good for a fun match), surrounded by beautiful trees and with a gorgeous view of the hills. The court is mainly used in Spring time, but it is available through the Summer and Autumn months too. Please ask for details at the time of booking your stay.
Cooking with Paola
This is not a cooking course by all means, but you can always enjoy helping Paola preparing an Italian meal that you can then share. Please ask at the booking time if you wish to try this experience.
Wine safari and grapes harvesting

picking the grapes and making wine. There are various options so it all depends on how keen you are and whether you want to include a wine tasting experience or not. Let us know and we will go through the various possibilities with you.
How is "salame" prepared?
If you are at Villa Mimma when the local butcher is preparing his famous salame, you can go to his atelier and watch the process while it happens! You cannot help because of health and safety reasons, but you are more than welcome to watch....
Bees and beauty - an art altogether.
Near Villa Mimma there is a bee-farm with a factory that produces honey, but also creams and beauty products, all from natural extracts.
Wine tasting.
In Monferrato you are in the heart of a wine country and wine tasting occasions are not to be missed. You can arrange an appointment with one of the local wineries or you can take part in a proper experience guided by a sommelier. Whatever are your wishes, we will try to arrange the right thing for you. Simply ask!
The rice country and the old ways.

Horse Riding.
If stables are what you are after, there are a couple of places within a few kilometres of Villa Mimma where you can go for a ride and possibly a lesson.
Strolling around the Monferrato Casltes .
Giarole and Camino are two of the best preserved castles in the Monferrato region. Thanks to a collaboration with local experts, we can arrange guided day trips to view these castles, normally closed to the public. The day involves quite a lot, including traditional lunch and evening dinners and a horse ride in one of the best stables of North-West Italy. Ask for details if you are interested.
Venaria Reale and the Savoys .
This magnificent palace and the park surrounding it has been recently restored and is now open to the public. The palace, dated back to the XVII century used to be a hunting residence for the Savoy family before it became the country residence of the Royals with the first King in the Savoy dynasty, Vittorio Amedeo II, at the beginning of the XVIII century. It is definitely worth a visit and there is so much to see that you can spend a whole day here.
We have introduced a new special offer for golfers of 10% discount on the accommodation.
Check our website and our offers because we have several discounts for people belonging to different groups or associations (schools in the UK, TCI, ANBBA, Surrey Alumni, etc.)
3rd May : The artist Vera Vermeersch will exhibit her carpets and tapestries in Treville. It is an exciting event, so if you are in the area, do try to come to Treville and pay a visit to this unique exhibition.
6th, 13th, 20th June: Jazz concerts on the village square. More details on the programme of each evening will be available nearer the time on the Events page of Villa Mimma's website.
Many thanks again to those who came to Villa Mimma over the past few months and have taken the time to post reviews of their stay! We really appreciate your effort because having online reviews means that new guests can taste our hospitality even before getting to Villa Mimma. Thanks a lot!!!
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Buona Pasqua - Happy Easter
Friday, 14 March 2008
Discount on accommodation for golfers!
Check our Trip Ideas posts for golf courses details.
Saturday, 8 March 2008
More about Piedmont golf courses
Other two golf courses that can be easily reached from Villa Mimma are:
I Girasoli
Location: Carmagnola (90 km from Villa Mimma)
Address: Strada Pralormo, 315 - 10022 Carmagnola (TO)
Telephone: +39 011 9795088
e-mail: info@girasoligolf.it
Holes: 18, Par: 71
This golf corse is designed taking advantage of the natural features of the landscape and you can enjoy beautiful views over the Alps.
La Margherita
Location: Carmagnola (90 km from Villa Mimma)
Address: Strada Pralormo, 29 - 10022 Carmagnola (To) (km da Villa Mimma)
Telephone: 011 9795113 - 011 9795204
email: info@golfclublamargherita.it
Holes: 18
This golf course is also very near Turin and very close to I Girasoli.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Easter Monday: "Pasquetta"
When I used to live at the Cinque Terre, about 25 years ago :-(, my Dad used to run the church choir and we had a heavy schedule of performances from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday. So when Easter Monday came, it was a lovely day of "freedom" that we spent going off somewhere with many friends and families for a pic-nick.
This meant that everybody cooked something to share, like cakes and quiches, and we either walked to a sunny spot on the cliffs or we drove to the inland and found a lovely grass area where we could spend the day organising games and having a good lough. A guitar was never left behind so singing all sorts of traditional and pop songs was also part of the fun! Grandparents and grandchildren were joining in - no exclusions.
I must admit, I haven't done this for ages, but it is a lovely way to spend Pasquetta and many people still do so, going off with friends and organising relaxing trips to the countryside.
Monday, 3 March 2008
Golf courses in Piedmont from Villa Mimma
Here are a few suggestions:
Golf Club Margara
Location: Fubine (22km from Treville)
Address: Via Tenuta Margara 25, I-15043 Fubine (AL)
Telephone: +39 131 778 555
Holes: 18, Par: 72
Annual Closure: Mondays
Golf Club La Serra
Location Valenza (35km form Treville)
Address: Via Astigliano 42, I-15048 Valenza
Telephone: +39 131 954 778
Holes: 9
Annual Closure January
Bogogno Golf Club
Location Bogogno (60km from Treville)
Address: Via Sant’Isidoro 1 - 28010 Bogogno (NO)
Telephone +39 322 863 794
Email: circologolfbogogno@tiscali.it - info@circologolfbogogno.com
Holes 36, Par 72
Annual Closure No
“The first work” of the American designer Robert Von Hagge is set amid the splendid scenery of the hills behind Lake Maggiore and already fully merits its inclusion among the best courses in Italy and Europe.
Golf Club Villa Carolina
Location:Capriata d’Orba (63km from Treville)
Address: Via Ovada, 51 - Tenuta Coltella, I-15060 Capriata d'Orba (AL)
Telephone +39 143 467 355
Email: golfvillacarolina@tiscalinet.it
Holes 27
Description: “Hic dulcis canitur - Here one grows old gracefully”.
This is the first message one sees on entering the magical peacefulness of Villa Carolina. Bria Silva designed the course taking into account the wonderful hilly nature of the place.
Circolo Golf Torino
Location: Fiano Torinese (73km from Treville)
Address: Via Agnelli, 40, 10070 FIANO T.SE (TO)
Telephone: +39 11 923 5440
Email: info@circologolftorino.com
Holes 36, Par 72
Annual Closure Mondays
The Turin Golf Club was founded back in 1957 in the grounds of “La Mandria”, once the hunting estate of the House of Savoy and now a natural park. Within the club grounds there are two different 18-hole courses set in the ancient woods of the park and furrowed by natural streams that create many suggestive views.
Golf Club Colline del Gavi
Location Tassarolo (80km from Treville)
Address: Strada Provinciale, 2, I-15060 Tassarolo
Telephone: +39 143 342 264
Holes 18, Par 73
Annual Closure January
Golf dei Laghi
Location: Varese (80km from Villa Mimma)
Address: Via Trevisani 926 - 21028 Travedona Monate (Varese)
Telephone: +39-0332-978101 Fax: +39-0332-977532
e-mail: info@golfdeilaghi.it
Holes: 18
Annual closure: January
Eighteen holes set among a wood, pools of water, the backdrop of the Prealps and the majestic horizons dominated by Monte Rosa. Golf dei Laghi is definitely one of the most interesting courses among those recently in the limelight in Italian golfing.
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Online Italian Recipes
I normally jot down a few instructions on pieces of papers but in this way they are online for all :-)
So, if you are a keen cook and wish to see what my suggestions are, please visit my recipes, on my personal blog designed with the Web&Blog technology! Fantastic!
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Boat trips to the Riviera and accommodation in Piedmont
I am trying to put together some possible practical itineraries for you to consider. In the meantime, if you have any particular request about boat trips do not hesitate to get in touch with me (Claudia) at claudia@villamimma.com or drop a comment to this post.
Watch out this space!
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Women's day - La festa della donna
Today, I doubt that generally people know where "La festa della donna" started from.
According to Wikipedia:
International Women's Day (IWD) is marked on March 8 every year. It is a major day of global celebration for the economic, political and social achievements of women.
If you continue reading, the website gives the historical origins of this commemoration:
The first IWD was observed on 28 February 1909 in the United States following a declaration by the Socialist Party of America.
The idea of having an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. By urban legend, women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. The garment workers were protesting what they saw as very poor working conditions and low wages. The protesters were attacked and dispersed by police. These women established their first labor union in the same month two years later.
More protests followed on 8 March in subsequent years, most notably in 1908 when 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and voting rights. In 1910 the first international women's conference was held in Copenhagen and an 'International Women's Day' was established, which was submitted by the important German Socialist Clara Zetkin. The following year, IWD was marked by over a million people in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. However, soon thereafter, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City killed over 140 garment workers. A lack of safety measures was blamed for the high death toll. Furthermore, on the eve of World War I, women across Europe held peace rallies on 8 March 1913. In the West, International Women's Day was commemorated during the 1910s and 1920s, but dwindled. It was revived by the rise of feminism in the 1960s.
It is a tradition in Italy to give a yellow mimosa to women on the 8th of March. It is a beautiful scented flower, theat is in bloom early in Spring. Unfortunately this day si now becoming a celebration like Valentine's day, and the social and political reasons behind its historical origin are often forgotten.
Friday, 15 February 2008
Attedning a wedding: advice
OUTFIT: Although it is becoming more popular to get married in the afternoon with evening reception, morning ceremonies are still very popular. I would never wear a black or white dress at a morning wedding, nor in the evening, unless specifically requested. You may ask and people may do it, but it is considered "tacky".
GIFT: Wedding lists ("Lista nozze" ) are quite popular and they are the easiest way to please the bride and groom without worrying about what you can get them. The amount of money that you spend is totally up to you. There is no fashion and there is no link to what the wedding reception costs at all. If you are travelling from abroad and attending an Italian wedding, a token from your Country may be the best idea. Consider that your Italian friends will know that you are committing quite a bit of money to attend the wedding in terms of travel arrangements, so they won't expect you to go OTT - unless you can afford it!
TOASTS: Italian wedding receptions do not evolve around a specific scheme, like in England where the speeches have a specific format and have to be of a certain length. There are no such a thing like speeches and people just sit and chat all the time. If there are lively groups of friends or cousins, people may end up cheering the bride and groom or asking for a "bacio" (kiss) towards the end of the meal, but nothing formal and always very spontaneous.
Saturday, 26 January 2008
Tapestries and Carpets by Vera Vermeesch
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Self-catering in Piedmont - survey
I would love if people left a note here about what are the reasons for booking a self-catering accommodation instead of a B&B or a hotel. Things I can think of are:
1) I love to feel at home away from home.
2) Self-catering if more economical in teh long run.
3) Self-catering is more flexible.
4) Other - please specify.
Pleeeeeease, do write your views!
Saturday, 5 January 2008
Wine Tasting in Monferrato - Piedmont - Italy
Participants will visit four of the most prestigious wineries of the Monferrato region (Piedmont, Italy), see their cellars and their "infernot" (caves excavated in the limestone and unique to this area, where the wine is stored), while learning the characteristics of the wines of the region from a professional sommelier ... and off course tasting local products - well in tune with the Italian mentality of wine always accompanying food.
This unique programme includes:
- Tours of the four wineries;
- Wine and food for three nights;
- A sit-down meal with entartainment for the fourth night;
- Accommodation in double/twin room at Villa Mimma. Single room upgrade available - price on request.
All of this for €360 per person (minimum 5 people, maximum 15).
This experience can be organised any time during the year for groups of a minimum of 5 people. In the meantime, we are proposing the following dates:
18th - 22nd March 2008 (closing date for registration 4th March)
Nativities exibition still on!